Comedy TV

Too sexist for this shirt

Australia’s Sexiest Tradie took a bit of a turn last week, delving further into the toxic masculinity of lead character Franky... Read More »

Vale Rosehaven Rest in Power edition

Rosehaven is over. It takes with it yet another era in Australian comedy. Not a particularly funny era mind you, or even an especially memorable one; remember that episode where they had the banter then a shot of the Tasmanian countryside then we got some more banter? Good times. Seriously though, when even articles praising... Read More »

Australia’s latest mockumentary

You could be forgiven for thinking that Australia’s Sexiest Tradie is the real deal: an actual tradie followed by an actual documentary... Read More »

Might as well Question Everything

It’s not a good sign when the ABC starts promoting your replacement when you’ve still got weeks to go. And what’s this? Okay, it’s shit news, but it’s no surprise – this is sizzle for a return next year though, right? Wait, so they’re advertising it now even though it’s not going to air for... Read More »

Iggy & the opposite of Ace-d it

Just when you thought only the ABC could make dull, unfunny dramedies about self-indulgent young people along comes SBS with Iggy &... Read More »

They’re Big and They’re Cheezy

Fat Pizza is back! Well, kind of. There’s a pizza shop, Bobo (John Boxer) waves around a chainsaw, Sleek the Elite (Paul Nakad) is shown in a couple of clips that quite possibly could have come from last season, and there’s yet another version of that “subwoofa” song. What more do you need? Before anyone... Read More »

Vale The Moth Effect

The final episode of The Moth Effect was released on Friday, and while it had some good moments, it’s not a show we will particularly... Read More »

All My Friends Are Unbearable

All My Friends Are Racist is the kind of show that can easily slip under the radar, largely because it’s the what – third? fifth? – Australian “youth” comedy of recent times in which a pair of unbearable twenty-somethings swan around using social media and woke attitudes to justify their self-centered behaviour. It’s a classic... Read More »

Question Everything, especially the promo interviews

In an appearance on Molloy, Wil Anderson said a few things which tell us more about why Question Everything is so deeply, deeply... Read More »

Everything is Questions

We’re only two weeks in and it’s rapidly becoming clear that despite being titled Question Everything, nobody at the ABC got around to questioning why this show needed to be made. Hands up who thought the comedy panel show format needs explainers about Taliban social media propaganda? It’s that kind of thinking that makes all... Read More »