Tag: Have You Been Paying Attention?

Have You Been Paying Attention… to the lack of new faces in comedy?

There’s basically two kinds of comedy showcases on television. There’s the ones where new talent gets a chance to strut their stuff, and the ones where established talent bring in the viewers. Guess which kind is the only kind we currently get on Australian television? It wasn’t always this way. It wasn’t even all that... Read More »

Clip Joint

Imagine, if you will, a fan of Australian comedy. Not all that long ago, this fandom might have kept them pretty busy; these days it only takes a few hours a week to keep up to date. And yet, even with that meager diet it still feels like they’re watching the same thing over and... Read More »

Vale Thank God You’re Here 2023

We can’t blame Working Dog for taking an “if it ain’t broke” approach to their revival of Thank God You’re Here. The original run was much loved and fondly remembered… though not by us, which is why fans of the show might want to skip what comes next. Glad you enjoyed it, it’ll probably be... Read More »

Thank God You’re Back… Again

The opportunities for Australian comedians on local television have been shrinking for the last [insert depressingly long stretch of time here]. After a while, it becomes a vicious circle: no jobs for comedians means less comedians means less comedy on television means no jobs for comedians. Want proof? Time to open the blue door to... Read More »

Our thoughts on the 2023 Logies

The 2023 Logies was exactly what we’ve come to expect: a lot of awards going to shows and people who barely deserve a... Read More »

Have you been paying attention for 11 years?

We’re two episodes into series 11 of Have You Been Paying Attention? but is there anything left to say about why Have You Been Paying Attention? is still a great... Read More »

Australian Tumbleweeds Awards 2022

We announce the winner and losers of the Australian Tumbleweeds Awards 2022, honouring the best and worst of Australian... Read More »

Have You Been Paying Attention? for 250 episodes

Have You Been Paying Attention? celebrated its 250th episode with all the people and segments we’ve known and loved for 10... Read More »

Logies 2022 – Comedy breakdown

There are plenty of myths about the Logies, one of which is that it’s funny. “Drags on for ages with occasional laughs” would be more accurate.... Read More »

A Decade of Paying Attention

In a semi-recent interview to promote the return of Have You Been Paying Attention? – in the real estate supplement Domain, of all places – Tom Gleisner pointed out it was now a full decade since HYBPA? first aired on Ten, and that the first few seasons had been teetering on the edge of cancellation:... Read More »