Comedy TV

Everything’s Gonna Be…Axed

Everything’s Gonna Be Okay's axing is a good thing. It wasn’t funny and struggled to hold the audience’s attention for more than 10... Read More »

Everything is Awesome

Having just watched Question Everything, we have a question: what the hell did we just watch? Half the show was pretty much what we’d been dreading from the team of Wil Anderson and CJZ – Gruen News, the show nobody was asking for. The Gruen approach is fine* (*not fine) for advertising, but is it... Read More »

Vale Mad as Hell s12

Making topical comedy isn’t easy. Forget the time constraints: we’re talking about having to make comedy out of the daily news. In Australia no less, land of no amusing news in good times or bad. And at the moment, things are pretty, pretty, pretty bad. Was 2021 the year that much of Australia woke up... Read More »

Rosehaven V: The Return of Michael Myers

The funniest thing to ever happen in, on, or around Rosehaven was the recent news that this current season would be the last because writer-creators-stars Ceclia Pacquola and Luke McGregor had “run out of stories”. To which a nation replied as one: Rosehaven has stories? Lest you think this is our usual baseless snark, let’s... Read More »

Moth (Effect) holes

The first episode of the new Amazon comedy series The Moth Effect only contained three sketches, one or two of which were... Read More »

Getting Comfy in The Cheap Seats

The Cheap Seats: now even cheaper in week two! It wasn’t really surprising that things were a little… looser in their second outing – while they presumably had weeks to get the first episode right, they only had seven days for the second – but when that’s the biggest change with a live show after... Read More »

Vale Superwog series 2

In a world where most Australian sitcoms can’t even make one style of comedy work, Superwog is a comedic... Read More »

We Can’t Give These Seats Away

A few months back we expressed befuddlement over the way 10 didn’t seem all that interested in exploiting one of their biggest local hits. MasterChef and Survivor get spinoffs, why not Have You Been Paying Attention? And clearly the programming chiefs at 10 are big fans of this blog – despite giving How to Stay... Read More »

Cancelled Comic Cavalcade

If you’ve ever stumbled into a cinema only to realise that not only is there a film festival going on but it’s a (gasp) short film festival, then you know just how much hard work goes into making a sketch comedy series. That’s because every short film festival has at least one and usually half... Read More »

Biting back

History Bites Back, a satirical documentary on structural racism, shows the ways in life has been made difficult for indigenous... Read More »