Comedy TV

The Boys Are Back, The Boys Are Back In Town

Back on @theweeklytv tonight! — BRIGGS AKA BIG SIGH (@BriggsGE) April 12, 2017 And thank fuck for that, because he’s pretty much the only thing that separates The Weekly from an especially shithouse extended episode of Media Watch. And that’s on a good day: week in week out we struggle to detect any concrete difference... Read More »

John Clarke, thanks for your time

We honestly thought Clarke & Dawe would never end. Two men, a couple of chairs, a great script – the perfect satirical format. Things were looking a bit shaky for John Clarke and Bryan Dawe towards the end of the Howard years, when Gerard Henderson was banging on about left-wing bias in comedy and shows... Read More »

The Abyss Gazes Also

Aww, wasn’t that opening bit of this week’s Weekly nice? The gang was all there – even Briggs, which was actually kind of puzzling because it’s hardly like he’s a series regular or anything so for all we know they pre-recorded this back when he actually was a series regular – looking up at the... Read More »

Night-time is the Right-Time for Tonight-time

Press release time! JOHN CONWAY TONIGHT PREMIRES SUNDAY APRIL 16 @ 9PM ON ABC2 Busting out of the comedy scene already wearing a suit and tie, John Conway is ready to be the tonight show host Australian TV never knew it needed. John Conway has talked his way onto ABC2 and John Conway Tonight is... Read More »

Ugh God What’s the Point

The Weekly: what the fuck? Sure, Cyclone Debbie isn’t funny, and you know what comedy shows do with subjects that aren’t funny? They either find a way to be funny about it, or they shut their mouths and move on. You know what they don’t do? They don’t open with a “hope everyone’s keeping safe”... Read More »

And the Logie goes to…the least worst show or person!

When even the Herald-Sun’s pointing out there’s only one woman nominated for a Gold Logie this year, you know there’s a problem with Australian television. JESSICA Marais has earned applause for playing ground-breaking women in two roles across two TV networks — now she’s about to star in a new Logies controversy, as the only... Read More »

The Weekly is a Long Time in Comedy

Watching Australian television comedy is a thankless task, or it would be if there was any fucking Australian television comedy to watch. Aside from two minutes of Clarke & Dawe actually being funny, what is there? Remember when performing stand-up was a path to getting on television? Seems it still is, only the “path” is... Read More »

Pacific Heat: Not too hot

Pacific Heat: Not too hotIn things we missed news, Pacific Heat finished up its premiere run on Foxtel’s The Comedy Channel a few weeks ago. You didn’t notice either? Fair enough. It was a kind of a “miss it and it doesn’t matter” show. A parody of a cop show should have been an easy win for Working Dog... Read More »

Up Shit Week

Briggswatch! Still in the opening credits of The Weekly, not on the actual Weekly. Then again he did just collect a decent share of $30,000 for winning the Australian Music prize, so he may have better things to do with his time. As did Kitty Flanagan, which is weird because… you know… Tom Gleeson was... Read More »

The two times Tom Gleeson really annoyed us in just one half hour

We knew there were only two ways this story could end. Either Briggs didn’t return to The Weekly this week, turning the show into a laughing stock that couldn’t even accurately predict when core cast members were going to appear, or Briggs showed up and we could all go back to ignoring The Weekly. Almost... Read More »