And the winners are…

Hey, wow! Looks like the right show won at the AACTA awards this year!

Shaun Micallef’s Mad As Hell won the award for Best Comedy Entertainment Program at this year’s AACTAs. Which is a much better result than last year, when Mad As Hell wasn’t nominated in any category.

The other, mostly decent, comedy results at this year’s AACTA awards were:

Have You Been Paying Attention? beat Eurovision, Hard Quiz, Lego Masters Australia, The Voice and The Weekly in the Best Entertainment Program category.

Upright won Best Comedy Series, which was probably the most deserving winner against At Home Alone Together, Black Comedy, The Other Guy and Rosehaven.

Tim Minchin won Best Comedy Performer, which, again, seems like the right verdict in a field which included Luke McGregor and Celia Pacquola.

And Rebel Wilson won Best Subscription Television Presenter…which sounds like a made-up award, so, yeah, whatever.

Meanwhile, at the Australian Podcast Awards, A Rational Fear was a perhaps surprising winner in the Best Comedy Podcast category. Surprising given that much of the show is taken up with serious discussions about climate change.

This is in stark contrast to the second place getter, Sizzletown, which if it discusses climate change at all, is usually through the medium of Andrew Bolt-esque character Niles Nyquist, who we assume is relocating from Melbourne as we type.

Of course, the results of these awards all pale into insignificance when you consider this horrifying suggestion from TV Tonight:

With no Logies in 2020 and TV Week now owned by ARE Media, could Tom Gleeson be the last ever person to be awarded a Gold Logie?

And if that doesn’t make you want to sign a petition to re-start the Logies immediately, we don’t know what will.

Meanwhile, if you’re unhappy with any of these results, you can register your views when we open the virtual voting booths for the 2020 Australian Tumbleweed Awards in a couple of weeks’ time.

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1 Comment

  • EvilCommieDictator says:

    To be fair then, Rebel Wilson is just one overblown PR campaign from getting a Gold Logie© too