Press release time!
Planet America Special
Airs Friday, November 6 at 9pm (AEDT) on ABC News 24
Wednesday, November 4, 2015 — As Barack Obama’s time in the White House comes to an end, a billionaire businessman and a doctor who separated conjoined twins are the frontrunners to become the Republican Party’s Presidential nominee.
Clearly it’s time for the team from Planet America to explain what on earth is going on!
With one year until Americans elect their next president, join The Chaser’s Chas Licciardello and the ABC’s John Barron for a recap of the race so far, and the election ahead.
Top Democrat and Republican campaign strategists and local experts join Chas and John to preview the battle for the White House in 2016.
Join the conversation: #PlanetAmerica
The Planet America special airs on Friday, November 6 at 9pm (AEDT) on ABC News 24 and a new weekly series of the show kicks off in early 2016.
Okay, it’s hardly hilarious news – Planet America was a little too dry for our tastes last US election cycle – but Chas is regularly the funniest and sharpest member of The Chaser and having him basically be an internet-capable Dickie Knee on Media Circus is a bit of a waste.
And who knows? With Donald Trump firming as a legit candidate and the rest of the pack trying to out-nutzo him, they should have plenty of material to work with.
Recently one of our personal acquaintances took us aside to have a quiet word. “Listen, Team Tumbleweeds,” he said, “I’m fine with you having a go at Josh Thomas and Chris Lilley and those guys – but when you start taking swings at Annabel Crabb, you’ve stepped over the line.”
It took us a minute to realise what he was talking about:
If a show is dragging your whole schedule down, you don’t wait until the last episode to replace it, especially if the replacement is the staggeringly ineffectual sop to our politicians’ collective ego Kitchen Cabinet.
Which, let’s be honest, is pretty mild all things considered.
But as the conversation continued, it turned out that our chum’s actual problem with our comment was that – in their view – we’d wandered outside of our remit. In this guy’s opinion it’s fine for us to kick the beejesus out of any show we like, just so long as our target is at least trying to be a comedy. And Kitchen Cabinet, for all its immeasurable faults, has never claimed it was trying to be funny.
Fair enough, we said – well, actually, what we said was more along the lines of “if Australian television criticism was anything more than, to coin a phrase, a conga-line of suckholes, then we wouldn’t have to say anything because everyone else would have kicked the head off this disgusting and disgraceful sack of politician-pandering puke years ago”.
But after we finished shouting, we also had a counter argument: Kitchen Cabinet might not be comedy per se, but it is a prime example of one of the less tasteful aspects of Australian “satire”: sucking up to the people they’re meant to be taking down.
This has been one of our pet peeves for a while now:
If The Chaser were doing their jobs properly, no politician would want to go within a hundred miles of their studios – and they wouldn’t let them in even if they did. Because when they have politicians on the show, they’re showing them as being in on the joke. The politicians then are simply making fun of themselves, telling us that “hey, we’re just like you” – and then they go back to telling us how we should live our lives and we’re supposed to go back to letting them.
An oft-repeated story about the old Martin / Molloy radio show says that at one stage, when Tony Martin and Mick Molloy were riding the Liberal party hard over their attempts to de-unionise the docks, they were asked to have prime mover behind the anti-worker push Peter Reith on “for balance”. Supposedly, Mick said fine, but that he’d have only one question for Reith: “why are you such a cunt?”. And he was going to keep asking it until he got an answer.
That’s pretty funny: it’s also the level of respect our politicians all too often deserve.
Fortunately, as The Chaser have increasingly abandoned politics for media commentary, getting politicians involved in comedy “for balance” has largely died out. The idea of presenting audiences with an actual real-life politician on Mad as Hell is crazy; for all its flaws, The Weekly has largely stuck to interviewing non-political figures.
But who are we kidding? It’s more than likely that the reason why we’re not having politicians jammed into every remotely topical comedy show on the ABC is because they now have an entire show* where they can demonstrate that, despite spending every waking moment looking for a way to fuck over the general public, they’re really just average knockabout blokes who like a barbie like the rest of us. So selling off government services to their mates for bargain prices then quitting to take a job with those self same mates is Aussie as, right?
Meanwhile out in the real world, what our politicians are like as people is so amazingly irrelevant to anything related to the actual concerns of ABC viewers that the existence of Kitchen Cabinet can only be considered to be a direct insult to every man, woman and child in the land. These are people voted in to do a job, and that job is not “enjoy smashed avocado in their salad”. The policies they advocate and their ability to execute those policies are the only things of relevance when it comes to these power-mad bastards: if you’re going to do a television show about their private lives, it had better be Real Housewives of Melbourne-level debauched or stop wasting our time.
Of course, everyone already knows this. That’s why Kitchen Cabinet is hosted by the Marieke Hardy of political coverage: someone with nice hair and a fetching line in flowery dresses (cardies an optional extra) who is really quite good at pointing out that our politicians are really kind of cuddly once you take the time to get to know them. Unless you’re the people who don’t get to be on television but do get to be fucked over – then politics can be very harsh indeed. But why take our word for it?
This insidious spread of propaganda, soft interviews with hard-line politicians who wield enormous power over the lives of the most vulnerable, is sold as a fun, light-hearted look into the lives of the people we elect. But this taxpayer-funded sycophantic date with power will end up making us all sick. It completely dumbs down debate and again re-ingrains the perception that politicians are just like us, while the people their policies hurt, aren’t. They are the others who don’t dine with famous journalists on television.
So yeah, Kitchen Cabinet: we’re letting it off lightly when you think about it.
*you really don’t want us to get started on Q&A
The nominees for the 2016 AACTA Awards were announced yesterday, and the comedy and light entertainment nominees aren’t bad at all…
Not a nomination for Please Like Me in sight! (Although given it won an award last year, its absence here may simply be because the current series missed the eligibility period.)
The results for Best TV Comedy and Best Light Entertainment Series should be interesting as the nominees for both include what are (in our opinion) the best shows for the past year or so. A number of those nominated in these categories have a realistic chance of winning, but we’re pretty interested in how The Weekly fares. It may have “nailed it” according to many online commentators, but will AACTA agree?
Other interesting nominees include Rickett’s Lane’s Randy for Best Performance in a TV Comedy. Anyone else glad they didn’t have the AACTA Awards when Hey! Hey! It’s Saturday and its hilarious puppet characters was on air?
And finally, good luck to Robyn Butler who’s up against two Hollywood stars and one of the country’s most acclaimed actresses. Maybe she’ll pull it off Jackie Weaver style? It could happen…
So it seems How Not to Behave has been bumped for its final episode:
What appears to be the final episode of How Not to Behave will air at 10pm on ABC this week.
The show has made way for the return of Kitchen Cabinet this Wednesday.
Meanwhile, the final five episodes of Open Slather have been reduced to half an hour:
A Foxtel spokesperson recently confirmed to TV Tonight, “We’re finishing this season of Open Slather with five new half hour specials 7.30pm Sundays on The Comedy Channel.”
What do these two things have in common? On the surface, bugger-all: How Not to Behave getting the boot is most likely a victim of the ABC’s programming departments inability to figure out how a calendar works – or just the wash-up from that mysterious period earlier in the year when the ABC ran out of new Agony episodes and ran repeats in prime time for a couple of weeks. If a show is dragging your whole schedule down, you don’t wait until the last episode to replace it, especially if the replacement is the staggeringly ineffectual sop to our politicians’ collective ego Kitchen Cabinet.
Meanwhile, Open Slather‘s bad case of shrinkage is, we’re reliably if anonymously told, due to the producers having blown their budget rather than someone at Foxtel trying to yank them off-air Kerry Packer style. And while the show has had zero impact ratings-wise, it seems pretty much all involved see it as a form of loss leader, with Foxtel planning more comedy – perhaps aimed more at the people who actually subscribe to pay TV, rather than mainstream viewers who might like the idea of old Full Frontal cast members doing sketch comedy but sure aren’t going to pay for it – in 2016.
But given the kind of closer examination only bored comedy bloggers are inclined to give, there does seem to be a common thread linking these two shows. No, not the fact that nobody’s still watching them, though that’s a side effect of what we’re talking about: the fact that from the first episode on, these shows never changed.
For a few years now – since the nightmare that was all twenty-seven pre-recorded episodes of Randling, at least – we’ve been griping that one of the bigger problems with Australian comedy has been the lack of long-running shows: when everything on the ABC is in six- or eight-week pre-recorded chunks, the only chance the creators get to figure out what’s working and what’s not is when it’s all over. Yes, this is probably why the ABC gives pretty much everything two series (or looked at another way, one twelve-part series spread over a year or so); that’s still a lot different from making a show week in week out and reacting to what the audience is responding to.
Both of these shows promised to be a response to that, as a return to week-in, week-out program making where – in theory at least – things could be tweaked as the creatives saw what worked and what didn’t. Open Slather would run for 20 weeks, How Not to Behave 15: after they both started with firmly below-par episodes, surely that was more than enough time to improve?
Yeah, nah.
To be fair, Open Slather did sack around 70% of their writing staff a few episodes in, but did you notice much of a difference? Us neither. Presumably because the guys they sacked weren’t getting anything on the air anyway. But for a show that basically staked its whole reason for existing on breakout comedy characters – you know, the characters that start small, are embraced by viewers and end up becoming icons – they never really seemed to try that hard to figure out what their audience was responding to. Here’s a tip: 60 Minutes parodies don’t really work when no-one under 60 watches 60 Minutes.
As for How Not to Behave, no-one on the production side seemed to care enough about that show to even watch it as it went to air, because if they did they might have noticed some core problems – such as, what was the point of the show in the first place? Why did it have a guest speakers on? Why did those speakers always seem to have wandered in from a dull ABC radio segment? Was the show meant to be a serious guide to living life, or a parody of one? And either way, why wasn’t it a lot funnier?
It’s not like we were totally surprised by this turn of events. Producers being given the kind of opportunities many comedians would kill for and doing fuck-all with them has been a part of the Australian landscape since the days when Comedy Inc was given twenty hour-long episodes a year to play with and gave us a stuttering Thomas the Tank Engine. But just because you’re following a long-standing Australian comedy tradition doesn’t make it right.
And yeah, we know the argument that you get one shot with your audience and if they don’t like you, that’s it. No doubt that’s true. And yet every year we see reality shows that somehow manage to build an audience week after week; if people keep coming back and telling their friends to watch fucking reality television, imagine how many more people you could attract that way if your show was actually funny?
Both of these shows have rightly been dismissed before they finished – that “As some viewers have noticed…” line in the TV Tonight coverage of Open Slather‘s shrinkage is as close to a sick burn as David Knox gets – because for all the effort they put in both these shows might as well have gone into repeats from week two. They started off badly and they showed no desire to improve; no-one who wasn’t pulling a pay check from the producers is going to spend a single solitary second missing them.
Press release time!
Okay, it’s not quite press release time because we didn’t get the press release, but thanks to the diligence of TV Tonight we can let you know about this:
Local sketch comedy welcomes a new contender this week with the premiere of Australia, Get It Up Ya! on C31 Melbourne.
The production, partly by a grant from the Community Broadcasting Foundation, is also the end result of a successful crowdfunding campaign on Pozible campaign.
It is described as “A ground-breaking show in the comedy / travel / lifestyle/ current affairs / political / news / wildlife / bush-tucker genre with twice your maximum daily intake of great Aussie characters.”
The absurdist-style sketch has filmed around the country from Tasmania to Western Australia.
Narrated by Claire Hooper it is written and performed by Andy Matthews, Bec Petraitis, Matt Stewart and Alasdair Tremblay-Birchall.
Based on the trailer over at TV Tonight, this could – like pretty much every sketch comedy ever – go either way. “Australian characters” usually sets alarm bells ringing, but it’s not like there haven’t been decent laughs mined out of Aussie stereotypes within living memory. Considering the bush-tucker genre currently sits on 100% success – Wallaby Jack and Russel Coight having both, as they say, “nailed it” – fingers crossed that they maintain that strike rate.
But why take our wishy-washy and unformed opinion on it – it starts tonight at 9pm on C31 for those in the Melbourne broadcast area, and for those outside of it (or watching Have You Been Paying Attention?) it’ll also be turning up on the C31’s Stupid Old Channel on YouTube.
It’s been a fairly quiet week in comedy – well, Greg Fleet is back in trouble for drug-related hijinks, but that’s not really news as such – so we figured hey, what better time to get caught up on something we missed first time around. Which would be the second series of Plonk, as recently seen on streaming service Stan.
Unfortunately for the profitability of Australia’s streaming services, we continue to be too stingy to actually pay to watch them. Fortunately for our tight-arse approach, the makers of Plonk are currently putting series two up on YouTube here. Watching television for free? Who would have thunk it?
And “free” is pretty much the price you’ll be wanting to pay for Plonk, because while it’s a step up from the first series it’s still the kind of show that gets smirks rather than laughs. It looks good, and being filmed at actual wineries – oh right, it’s a behind-the-scenes look at a shoddy wine infotainment show (fronted by The Chaser’s Chris Taylor as “Chris Taylor”, a presumably slightly more wanky version of himself) where they travel to various wineries and promptly make dicks of themselves – makes a nice change from the limited locations of most Australian comedies. But when you’re talking about how the locations are a strength it’s a pretty big sign it’s not classic comedy.
(also, those South Australian “filmed with the assistance of” logos? Yeah, there’s tourism money involved)
Interestingly, as we noted in our review of series one, being cut into shorter segments does mean it’s pacey enough to avoid a lot of the endless pauses that drag a lot of local comedy (is Please Like Me still airing before midnight?) into the mire. It seems they bolted three segments together to form tv-length episodes for Stan, but online the 7-10 minute segment length seems about right as far as viewer tolerance goes.
Still, it does have jokes, the wine stuff is mildly informative, and the central trio have – again, let us stress, for an Australian comedy – an actual comedy dynamic that works in a generic sitcom fashion: for online content we can safely commit to saying that it’s worth a look. Also in episode one, a Greg Fleet cameo! Nice how that all tied in together.
Welcome to a post in which we do two things we know you love:
From TV Tonight…
ABC’s mixed messages on Please Like Me
ABC has bumped Please Like Me to a later timeslot after just one episode of its third season.
To be fair, it did debut with ratings of 129,000. But wait, it’s not Please Like Me’s fault…
ABC is replacing UK series The Musketeers at 8:30pm with a Sherlock replay, which pushes the local comedy to 10pm.
Last week The Musketeers drew 320,000 viewers, while Please Like Me averaged just 129,000 viewers. Despite being a critical hit, the Josh Thomas comedy is yet to attract a popular audience.
But then how can it, when ABC has never given it a decent timeslot across its three seasons?
TV Tonight goes on to talk about how Please Like Me started on ABC2 where it rated badly, but then how after it got lots of awards it got a run on ABC, albeit not in an established comedy slot…
ABC finally moved it to the primary channel ….in a week where it was over-crowded with new comedies The Ex-PM and Sammy J and Randy in Rickett’s Lane. That left Please Like Me to run Thursdays, but not in the 8:30 slot that had previously been allocated to Upper Middle Bogan.
Upper Middle Bogan? That ended, what, almost year ago?
As for this new comedy glut we’re experiencing right now, maybe audiences voted with their feet and didn’t watch Please Like Me? Kinda like how they did watch when comedies they liked moved timeslot (The Chaser’s War on Everything, Mad As Hell)…except the opposite of that.
Put it this way, in TV history there have been plenty of examples of shows getting a boost from airing directly after very popular shows (The D-Generation airing after The Young Ones, for example), but there are also examples where the reverse is true. And when it comes to Please Like Me, Australian audiences just don’t like it, despite everything the critics and the people who decide who to give awards to keep telling them.
But back to TV Tonight…
Why didn’t ABC wait until it had a Wednesday night slot for the show? The answer may lie in producer deals with US cable network Pivot, with ABC necessarily hitched to its US playout whether it liked it or not.
Oh yeah, that. This is a show being made with American cash, so it kinda doesn’t matter that no one in this country likes it, as long as US cable viewers do.
But let’s end this blog with a laugh. You remember laughs, they’re not a feature of Please Like Me…
An ABC spokesperson said, “We hope the broad appeal of Sherlock will provide a strong lead in, and that the new time slot appeals to the target audience. We remain immensely and steadfastly proud of Please Like Me, a truly wonderful series.”
Oh ABC spokesperson, you crack us up!
Remember the days when any news about Chris Lilley was, well, news? The Huffington Post sure does:
Chris Lilley has 4 new characters, including a rapping tortoise, and it's weirder than usual
— HuffPost Australia (@HuffPostAU) October 16, 2015
Only one favourite? Aww.
Having watched the clip in question, pretty much all we need to do is note its existence and move on. The one-time Master of Disguise provides zero surprises as he presents his now-standard “I’m a girl!” and “I’m a boofhead!” characters, and when he turns into a rapping turtle the make-up is doing all the hard work there. It’s not even like getting comedians to appear in your music video is anything new: everyone from Bob Odenkirk and David Cross to Mark Heap has been there and done that.
No, your real comedy pick of the day is Helen Razer’s latest insights into comedy:
There is and there can be no artistic valour in “saying what everyone’s thinking”.
It is the great comic’s work to say what no one is thinking.
And sometimes the jokes just write themselves.
For a show that’s just jam-packed with bubbly hipster fun like wandering through mazes, or running down a well-manicured suburban street with a stolen trolley, or cracking jokes in cool inner-city eateries, or putting a chicken on your head, the one word that comes to mind when thinking about Josh Thomas’ sitcom Please Like Me best is inert. No, the word we’re thinking of isn’t actually inert, we’re thinking of the word “inert”… let’s start again.
Usually any halfway decent sitcom has as many plots and subplots going as it can manage – it’s far from unusual for a show to have an A, B and C plot on the go in a 22 minute episode. Please Like Me series three episode one has one plot: “will Josh* get to fuck an attractive yet annoyingly erratic and sometimes distant young man.” Maybe if this plot was “will Josh fuck off”, we’d be interested, because even Two and a Half Men isn’t this fixated on giving its lead opportunities to make out with attractive people.
But look! They’re playing with cute little chicks in the opening credits! Surely aggressive and consistent quirkiness counts for something, right? Not when your sitcom has nothing else to offer. Perhaps if you’re a long-time viewer watching this for the “will they or won’t they” soapie angle then you might care about whether Arnold and Josh get together; going by the way this provides zero back story to either Josh or Arnold (Josh has no back story anyway; Arnold’s stay in the mental hospital would at least explain how they met) they’re not expecting too many new viewers anyway.
To restate our case: this is an episode about a somewhat annoying young man (Thomas is still young, right?) trying to have sex with a more attractive man. Fortunately, the more attractive man is somehow even more annoying than Josh, so it’s almost plausible that they might get together. That’s “fortunately” in a “fortunately this boring plot is at least plausible”, not “fortunately” as in “fortunately there’s a sliver of amusement to be found in their antics”
And then they fuck and for a heartbeat it’s like “oh well, guess they’ll have to make the episode about something else now” BUT NO because then it shifts to scenes of Josh fondling and groping and in one case literally rolling around under his lover while his lover talks about all the ways no-one will like him. Call us sour old bastards, but it seems that having two characters being intentionally massively annoying in distinctly different ways that only amplify each other’s worst traits is just a touch excessive. And if the ratings are any guide, it’s not the kind of thing anyone wants to watch either:
But it was bad news for Please Like Me. While 129,000 improves on its ABC2 outings, the show is yet to overcome its place as being a critical hit but not a popular one.
We’re going to be controversial here, but is it just possible that a comedy – or even a dramedy – can be really good as far as giving marginalised groups representation on Australian television yet somehow also be dull as fuck to watch? This episode is focused entirely on charting a relationship between two unlikable characters, which has proven to be ripe comedic grounds since time began. And yet there’s what feels like a deliberate attempt to avoid anything funny past the occasional dump of banter. If you think having funny things happen in a sitcom is unrealistic, why not make a drama? Oh wait, no-one would watch a drama where nothing happened; if you call it a comedy you can at least pretend people aren’t seeing the humour.
So maybe the comedy here isn’t for us. Where are the insights into relationships then? You’re telling us that if you relentlessly pursue someone you might a): get them but b): not always like what you get oh wait c): it all ends happily because… it just does? What about, oh, going into why Josh wants to fuck Arnold so badly? If it’s just because he’s hot – and we’re not really given any other reasons in this episode – why are we spending 24 minutes on this story?
We’d love to go on to talk about something else, but there is literally nothing else going on in Please Like Me. Thomas’ show is often compared to Girls, but Girls has (at least) four central characters who each get their own subplots – plus loads of guest stars in those subplots – and usually at least half of those subplots are about things other than relationships. Episode one of series three of Please Like Me is focused entirely on Josh; sure, it re-introduces the cast, but every scene they’re in is a scene about how they relate to Josh. Is anything interesting going to happen to any of them over the course of this series? Fucked if we know, and for a series opener it certainly doesn’t give us any reason to care.
“Sometimes my feelings need to be thought of” Josh says during the big dramatic climax. Looked at a certain way it’s the funniest line here, because the whole episode is about nothing but his feelings. Everyone is constantly talking about him; he’s always talking about himself. Yes, Arnold is being a bit of a dick in this scene because he’s a dick in every scene he’s in: there’s a case to be made that he’s intentionally a callback to the way Josh was in series one to show how Josh has matured. But as Josh is still totally self-absorbed, what’s the point? It’s holding a mirror up to an arsehole. Pardon us if we don’t like the view.
*”Josh” is the character; Thomas is the performer writing and staring in Please Like Me.
Back when the ABC was running promos for Please Like Me and The Ex-PM pretty much back-to-back, we noticed something a little unusual: while the commercials for Micallef’s show focused on people actually saying and doing funny things, the Please Like Me spot only showed one thing, over and over – people laughing. Maybe we’re a little off-base, but when you’ve made a show that’s actually funny, usually you have funny things to show people; having your cast laughing uproariously at nothing suggests that there’s nothing to laugh uproariously about.
But the promotion for Please Like Me was testing the limits of words like “shrill” and “desperate” long before that. Take this interview with star Josh Thomas in last week’s Fairfax press:
His hard-to-classify show offers a deft counterpoint between the simple pleasures of life – cooking, sharing meals, raising chickens, running along a jetty – and its tougher and more complex challenges: dealing with death, depression and marital breakdown. Like a number of contemporary productions – Girls, Louie, Transparent, Togetherness – Please Like Me doesn’t sit comfortably in a conventional comedy category.
And yet, unlike a number of contemporary productions – seriously, you’re comparing it to Louie? – it isn’t very funny. Even if you’d never seen the show and could only imagine how unfunny it is, that description alone would tell you that hey, this isn’t going to be funny. It features both cooking AND sharing meals? Plus running along a jetty? Wow, that’ll totally balance out all the death and depression.
Then there’s this bit:
Here, though, screening on ABC2, it hasn’t won the audience or the acclaim it deserves.
So we searched for “Please Like Me” on the Fairfax website: 140 results
Then we searched for another Australian comedy show based around a local comedian and which aired on a secondary free-to-air channel for two seasons: 31 results for Kinne.
So yeah, no shortage of acclaim there.
And yet the ratings have been in the toilet pretty much since week one of series one. Could it possibly be that “the best show you’re not watching” is in fact “yet another show audiences don’t like the look of”?
Loving up Thomas isn’t the sole province of Fairfax, mind you – though the fact his twee inner-city antics overlap pretty solidly with what they seem to believe is their core readership (and how’s that working out for you sales-wise guys?) does mean Fairfax is your home of Thomas gush – because oh look, the crack team at DeciderTV have decided to take a swing at talking him up. And also putting his twitter handle in the headline, which is taking “hey look at us!” to a whole new level.
Created, written and starring comedian Josh Thomas, Please Like Me has developed into becoming the most entertaining and surprising comedy on Australian Television.
“Developed into becoming”?
On one level Please Like Me takes on the role of a Generation-Y coming-of-age comedy similar to HBO’s Girls series in the US. However this programs ability to confront issues such as depression, aging, and mental disorder with such brutal honesty and humour makes it a far more compelling and sophisticated program than Lena Dunham could ever hope to create.
Because Girls never tackled depression and mental disorder. Also “HBO’s Girls series in the US”?
The episode includes an honest, raw, and at times confronting sex-scenes between the two men, but it also includes some outstanding dialogue that is both blunt and highly amusing
“an honest, raw, and at times confronting sex-scenes”. Why have we got the lyric “we are one, but we are many” running through our heads?
Okay, we could pick on their stilted prose all day – seriously, take a look at their site if you don’t believe us – but that’s not the point. No doubt there’s plenty to praise about various aspects of Please Like Me; it looks good, the cast are plausible in their roles, it focuses on areas Australian comedy often ignores (a gay dude dating, not death and mental illness). But it’s better than Girls? It’s the most entertaining and surprising comedy on Australian television? It goes its own way, shaped by the vision of a distinctive creative talent?
Wow. Guess they’re going to get a shock when our review goes to print.