Online Comedy

Slush puppies

Slushy is the trad sitcom we’re slightly surprised Kate McLennan and Kate McCartney have written. The tone is very different to Get... Read More »

Chris Lilley’s Ja’miezing

Large parts of Chris Lilley's new podcast Ja’imezing, hosted by his character Ja'mie King, are an uncomfortable... Read More »

Pop goes another one

Radio National’s new science-themed comedy quiz show The Pop Test seems perfectly designed for the golden age of audio... Read More »

The most wonderful time of the year

We look at two end-of-year comedies: The Chaser's War on 2020 and Shaun Micallef's Mad As Hell Pagan Holiday... Read More »

And the winners are…

Shaun Micallef’s Mad As Hell won the award for Best Comedy Entertainment Program at this year’s... Read More »

Welcome to the House of Fun

It's not until you've watched the new Netflix series Aunty Donna's Big Ol' House of Fun that you realise that comedy on Australian television is... Read More »

The Wharf Revue goes online

The annual Wharf Revue is one of many live events which has had to move online in 2020. Now in its 20th year, The Wharf Revue is a Sydney institution in which Jonathan Biggins, Drew Forsythe and Phillip Scott satirise local and international politicians. Originally planned as the final ever Wharf Revue, and titled ‘Good... Read More »

So, so wrong

The great myth put about by those in power is that they know what they’re doing and that we should trust them (maybe you can think of a recent example of that). So, ultimately, perhaps, we’re all better off putting ourselves in the hands of people who don’t know what they’re doing? Could we really... Read More »

Looks quizzical

Earlier in this pandemic, some stat went around that podcasting equipment was flying off the virtual shelves so fast that many online retailers were all sold out. Literally, everyone was getting into podcasting. And while it’s nice that people are finding ways to keep active during lockdown…look, let’s be honest, not every idea for a... Read More »

Ring my bell – Ding Dong I’m Gay: series one

The first episodes of web series Ding Dong I’m Gay, piloted two years ago, have now been released. We thought the pilot showed some promise when we reviewed it in 2018, and based on the first two episodes of the series proper, we were right. In the pilot, Toby (Brayden Dalmazzone), a country boy, moves... Read More »