Comedy TV

Comedy Mysteries: The Chaser’s War on Scheduling

Remember when the ABC cut back their order for the final series of The Chaser's War on Everything from eight episodes to six after the "make a Realistic Wish Foundation" sketch earned them a two week... Read More »

The Flim-Flam King of the Rim-Ram Room

Press releases are supposed to be full of over-oxygenated waffle designed to fan the flames of interest in a program that otherwise would barely rate a grunt as your average viewer clicked past it to repeats of Seinfeld... ... Read More »

Vale TV Burp

So farewell then TV Burp, the bought-in British format that could have worked. Some have argued that TV Burp wasn’t good enough to care about but, while it wasn’t the funniest thing ever, it was getting better. It certainly got more praise than its partner show Double Take (admittedly, not difficult), hence Seven swapping the... Read More »

The Mystery of Murray Foote (continues)

Sam Simmons...... Read More »

You Get What You Pay For

Pay TV in this country has been churning out sitcoms for well over a decade now, going at least as far back as Bob Franklin’s Introducing Gary... Read More »

Hands up in the air

After watching The 7pm Project last Friday (21/8), it’s time to coin a new... Read More »

You (Dave) Hughes, You Lose pt2: Lets See How Far We’ve Come (how cum)

Thinking about Dave Hughes? There’s never been a better time to explore his comedy career (yes, we have been re-reading Lolly Scramble), thanks to the efforts of the late-night programmers at the ABC. Drunks and insomniacs alike have been enjoying their fine work screening old episodes of The Glasshouse in the early hours of Friday morning, and thanks to the magic of timed recording you too can get in on the... Read More »

21st Century Vizard (part 2)

It’s fairly easy to overlook Rove’s stranglehold on Australia comedy at the moment.  Even on Ten, Good News Week and Talkin’ ’bout Your Generation aren’t from the Roving Enterprise stable.  But Nine has no Australian comedy to speak of, and Seven’s efforts are token at best (Kath & Kim every few years and Thank God... Read More »

21st Century Vizard (part 1)

Rove (the show and the man) returns to our screens this... Read More »

A Flaming Bag of FM-friendly turds

On JJJ a few weeks back, while talking up his upcoming ABC television series, John Safran described it as being full of pranks and making fun of people – basically, “everything people don’t want in comedy anymore”. And he has a... Read More »