Minor Midweek Musings

*Has anyone else noticed that the promos for The 7pm Project no longer seem to feature Dave Hughes? He’s still in the logo shot at the end, but otherwise it’s all Carrie and Charlie (who now has a much neater new haircut) with the nasally gurner nowhere in sight. The show’s slow march towards becoming a panel version of ACA continues…

*In case you needed confirmation that comedy is no longer seen as any kind of ratings winner, we recently realised that while this time of year (post-Easter) is traditionally the time when the commercial networks wheel out their big guns, none of this year’s big guns looks even remotely like local comedy. Well, apart from The Bounce, which goes some way towards explaining the current situation. And GNW, which just seems to fade in and out of the schedules at random.

*It’d be a lot easier to get excited about Wilfred being made into a pilot for the US market if we didn’t know just how many pilots the US market goes through. Rough estimate: a shitload. It’s good news, sure, but it’s a pilot; get back to us when the series order gets placed. And the occasional report trying to link this story to Rebel Wilson’s current US efforts is just plain sad.

* Remember when Daryl was talking about how the returned Hey Hey would be “fresh” and feature “all new segments”? Whatever you might say about Daryl, he can still make us laugh.

*Isn’t Shaun Micallef nice:  “Asked if he can credit any one person for his success, Micallef said “My wife Leandra. She’s the one who, 15 years ago, told me to give up my job (as a lawyer) and do what I really wanted to do – which was writing comedy. I wouldn’t have done it without her encouragement. This week, Leandra and I are celebrating our 21st wedding anniversary. I’m a very lucky man” (from The  Herald-Sun 19/5/10).  All together now: awwww. That said, rumour has it that Shaun could be currently too flat-out with various projects to have time to record any commentary tracks for the long awaited DVD release of Welcher & Welcher.  Al together now: awww…

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