Search results for “ Fresh Blood ”

Fresh Blood 2024: Finally, KingsLand gets released

KingsLand focuses on Reg, an older First Nations man who has an extra tough time just living his life in... Read More »

Fresh Blood 2024: A new hope

The ABC’s new comedy talent initiative Fresh Blood has thrown up some shows of variable quality. But in 2024, things are looking... Read More »

If You Want Fresh Blood, You Got It

Press release time! ABC and Screen Australia on the hunt for more Fresh Blood The ABC and Screen Australia team are once again teaming up to uncover the next generation of great Australian comedy talent through the hugely successful Fresh Blood initiative. Submissions are now open for new and emerging comedy acts to apply.  Creators... Read More »

Fresh Blood – Be Your Own Boss

While we’ll all have to wait until next year to see Chris Lilley’s exciting new controversial character, fans of Lilley-style comedy may already be enjoying Be Your Own Boss, the last of the Fresh Blood pilots to air (it’s also on iView and YouTube). But first, let’s clarify what we mean by Lilley-style in relation... Read More »

Fresh Blood: The Angus Project

The Angus Project was another of last year’s Fresh Blood pilots that we thought would work as a full-length sitcom. Well, we said “It could work”, which is about as good as you’re likely to get from us. But, like Koala Man, another Fresh Blood show we thought was promising but didn’t work, The Angus... Read More »

Fresh Blood: Why Are You Like This?

It’s fair to say that we hated Why Are You Like This? when we reviewed the initial Fresh Blood sketches last year. So, we were pleasantly surprised by the recently-aired pilot edition (also available on iView and YouTube). The Why Are You Like This? pilot features the same characters, Penny played by Naomi Higgins and... Read More »

Fresh Blood from a stone

Let us tell you, watching this year’s new batch of Fresh Blood has been a real slog. And it seems you agree. One of several private messages we received about our Fresh Blood blogs came from someone who was actually in a Fresh Blood show. Here’s what they had to say: I’m on [REDACTED] and fuck is it another... Read More »

A Fresh Blood(bath)

In our previous blog, we wrote about the launch of ABC Comedy, reviewed some of the new batch of Fresh Blood shows now available on iView and promised to review more Fresh Blood next time. Well, promise kept; here’s our thoughts on more of this year’s Fresh Blood… Why Are You Like This? Two annoying millennial... Read More »

There will be Fresh Blood

Recently, there was an exciting announcement. The ABC said it was creating a new channel dedicated entirely to comedy, called ABC Comedy, on which they’d be airing a brand-new comedy tonight show, Tonightly with Tom Ballard. And, they’d be releasing heaps of new short-form comedy shows from new talent on iView under the Fresh Blood... Read More »

Fresh Blood pt 4: Donna Good Job

Okay, so we kinda sorta knew Aunty Donna’s pilot was going to be the pick of the Fresh Blood bunch. For one thing, their previous efforts have been funny; for another, they’re an actual comedy team who’ve been working together for years. How often do you see one of them these days? So their pilot... Read More »