Tag: The Logies

There’s a reason people call them the Bogies

The 2024 Logie Awards nominations are what you'd expect them to be after the last 12 months of Australian television... Read More »

The 2019 Logies. And Tom Gleeson.

And so the Logies have been and gone for another year, and we’re asking: how did comedy (and Tom Gleeson’s campaign) fare? Tony Martin was in the voiceover booth once again and got a largely positive reaction from the viewers. Although a few grumbled on Twitter that he didn’t go Mick Molloy when Molloy appeared... Read More »

Compulsory Logies Wrap-Up Post

Comedy never comes out of a Logies ceremony looking great. Last night we saw the usual mix of light-hearted industry backslapping, and results which ranged from the surprisingly good to the fairly baffling. Here’s a quick... Read More »

Modesty Forbids

We often cop some flack when we mention the many and various foibles of Australian television critics. That’s partly because – unlike actual Australian comedians – some of them have active fanbases, and partly because some readers think we should stick to what we do best: incoherently slagging off sub-standard Australian comedy. But the poor... Read More »

Things You Learn At The Logies

Well, you learn that no-one gives a fuck about Australian comedy, for starters. Mad as Hell was beaten by The X Factor? All the comedy categories replaced by “Best Presenter” and “Best Light Entertainment”? It’s enough to make you think The TV Week Logie Awards are nothing more than a promotional tool for the comedy-free... Read More »

Awards and renewals

The nominees for this year’s Logies have been announced and it’s not all bad for comedy. Okay, it’s not a complete disaster for... Read More »

Do They Know It’s Christmas Time At All?

Well, they sure do over at the ABC: as a couple of our readers have already pointed out, the ABC just plum forgot to nominate Chris Lilley’s Angry Boys for any of those highly regarded Logie Awards for 2011. All together now: Ahhahahahahahahahahaha *deep breath* hahahahahahah *heavy sigh* heh. This story alone is funnier than... Read More »