Press Releases

Take This Quirk And Shove It

Press release time! KIRSTEN DRYSDALE JOINS 7.30 TONIGHT After years of researching, writing and reporting for acclaimed ABC programs such as The Checkout, Hungry Beast, Gruen Transfer and The Hamster Wheel, the extraordinarily talented Kirsten Drysdale joins 7.30 tonight. “I’m absolutely thrilled to be working at 7.30,” Kirsten said. “It’s my dream job, I hope... Read More »

It’s All Fun & Games Until Someone Gets Hurt

Press release time! ABC APOLOGISES FOR THE CHASER’S MEDIA CIRCUS ABC TV has today issued a pre-emptive apology for the whole series of the Chaser team’s new show, The Chaser’s Media Circus, which starts on ABC on Wednesday 15 October at 8.30pm and continues for 8 weeks. “Looking forward a few weeks, we’ll definitely have... Read More »