Aussie As

Press release time!

Okay, it’s not quite press release time because we didn’t get the press release, but thanks to the diligence of TV Tonight we can let you know about this:

Local sketch comedy welcomes a new contender this week with the premiere of Australia, Get It Up Ya! on C31 Melbourne.

The production, partly by a grant from the Community Broadcasting Foundation, is also the end result of a successful crowdfunding campaign on Pozible campaign.

It is described as “A ground-breaking show in the comedy / travel / lifestyle/ current affairs / political / news / wildlife / bush-tucker genre with twice your maximum daily intake of great Aussie characters.”

The absurdist-style sketch has filmed around the country from Tasmania to Western Australia.

Narrated by Claire Hooper it is written and performed by Andy Matthews, Bec Petraitis, Matt Stewart and Alasdair Tremblay-Birchall.

Based on the trailer over at TV Tonight, this could – like pretty much every sketch comedy ever – go either way. “Australian characters” usually sets alarm bells ringing, but it’s not like there haven’t been decent laughs mined out of Aussie stereotypes within living memory. Considering the bush-tucker genre currently sits on 100% success – Wallaby Jack and Russel Coight having both, as they say, “nailed it” – fingers crossed that they maintain that strike rate.

But why take our wishy-washy and unformed opinion on it – it starts tonight at 9pm on C31 for those in the Melbourne broadcast area, and for those outside of it (or watching Have You Been Paying Attention?) it’ll also be turning up on the C31’s Stupid Old Channel on YouTube.

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