Comedy TV

Dead Cat (The) Bounce

What’s that smell in the air? Why, it’s the AFL Finals – and yet, amazingly, when the public’s eyes drop disinterestedly to the TV listings, they find no trace of Peter Helliar and The Bounce. Which is really kind of strange, because when it got the chop back in April, Seven’s Head of Programming and... Read More »

And it’s goodbye from him

Hamish & Andy's announcement that they will cut back to a weekly show next year to give themselves time to work on other projects was big news yesterday, but so far the details of what the other projects are, what they'll do in their weekly show, when the weekly show will air, and who will replace them in the drive slot have not emerged. So let's indulge in a little speculation...... Read More »

Hangin’ Tough

So a hung parliament means there’s no clear nationwide winner, right? Usually yes, but in this case one group (no, not The Greens) is a clear winner: ABC comedy. Having a country where both major parties have an equal claim on the reigns of power is their dream situation, because for the last… oh, since... Read More »

And The Winner Is…

At this stage of an election it’s traditional for someone to ask the question: which side’s victory would be better for comedy? With most comedians leaning left, it’s generally assumed that while having the Liberals in power might not be the best for the country, it’s usually good for getting comedians fired up. But these... Read More »

A rough morning

Melbourne's Channel 31 has a well-deserved reputation for making the sort of comedy you just don't see anywhere else. One such show is Morningshines, which started on Channel 31 on 6th August and airs every Friday at 10pm (it can also be downloaded from the show's website).... Read More »

Down Down, Deeper & Down (redux)

Considering the track record of the people behind them, it’s safe to say that both Yes We Canberra! and Gruen Nation have proven to be pleasant surprises to us here at Tumbleweed HQ. For the most part they’ve been smart, funny programs that have done almost everything right as far as getting laughs without selling... Read More »

The least worst we could expect

Week two of Yes We Canberra! was always going to be the real test. The Chaser had got rave reviews and high ratings in week one, so were bound to get a big audience for the second episode…but they’d had less time to write and film, and their stock of pre-written material was dwindling –... Read More »

You Gotta Keep ’em Seperated

If you had any doubt at all about what market Ten is going for with their upcoming series Offspring, consider that doubt flushed after the first 90 seconds as our heroine Nina (Asher Keddie, last seen as a topless Blanche in Hawke) a): acts all clumsy in front of a buff and shirtless man, then... Read More »

Game before laugh

Panel games in this country are generally slanted more towards the game than the panel. Giving funny answers to questions isn't exactly frowned upon, but it's not the point of the show either – the point is the game.... Read More »

Press Release Me, Let Me Go(!)

Hey look! It’s a press release! WTF! KEEPING YOU ‘A BREAST’ OF WORLD EVENTS Coming Soon to GO! Do you only have two minutes a day to catch up on the who, why, when, where and what the F of the world’s news? Who would you turn to? Well if you like your news to... Read More »