Comedy TV

You Gotta Keep ’em Seperated

If you had any doubt at all about what market Ten is going for with their upcoming series Offspring, consider that doubt flushed after the first 90 seconds as our heroine Nina (Asher Keddie, last seen as a topless Blanche in Hawke) a): acts all clumsy in front of a buff and shirtless man, then... Read More »

Game before laugh

Panel games in this country are generally slanted more towards the game than the panel. Giving funny answers to questions isn't exactly frowned upon, but it's not the point of the show either – the point is the game.... Read More »

Press Release Me, Let Me Go(!)

Hey look! It’s a press release! WTF! KEEPING YOU ‘A BREAST’ OF WORLD EVENTS Coming Soon to GO! Do you only have two minutes a day to catch up on the who, why, when, where and what the F of the world’s news? Who would you turn to? Well if you like your news to... Read More »

Domestically challenged

Hannah Gadsby is one of the better stand-ups on the Australian scene at the moment, but her recent programme for the ABC's Artscape strand, Hannah Gadsby Goes Domestic, seemed a bit like a first... Read More »

Yet Another Twice-Risen Souffle

If you wanted to make an Australian television drama, or a soap opera, or a current affairs program, or a reality series about car repairs – basically, pretty much anything that isn’t a comedy – you probably wouldn’t go out and make a short film first. Somewhere down the line you’d shoot a pilot or... Read More »

Australia Versus a Frisbee Made of Vomit

In news that might have stunned the nation if anyone had actually cared, Australia Versus has been pulled. We outlined a bunch of objections to its very existence here, but why not throw a few more into the ring – for one, how did everyone at Seven completely fail to notice that pretty much the... Read More »

The Resistable Rise of Hamish & Andy

Over the last few weeks word has been filtering back from the UK division of 21st Century Daryl Worldwide about the massive – well, noticeable at least – impact Hamish & Andy’s recent visit has had over there. Supposedly they made a surprisingly good impression on The Graham Norton Show (shown recently on the ABC…... Read More »

Start Digging Some Nerd Holes

Hey Hey it’s Saturday isn’t dead yet, but it’s sure coughing up blood (from The Age) Having already come back from the dead once, Hey Hey It’s Saturday will go into suspended animation in a fortnight fervently hoping that no one accidentally flicks the switch while it’s off air. Nine today confirmed that the July... Read More »

Abuse News You Can Use

… or alternatively “Actor Best Known for Substance-Affected Violent Bogan Character May Be Substance-Affected Violent Bogan Character” (from The Age): AUSTRALIA’S latest Hollywood hopeful, comedian Jason Gann, might be flying high in Los Angeles, but he’s facing trouble at home after revelations he drunkenly punched a shuttle bus driver on Derby Day in 2007. Gann,... Read More »

Milsom making a play to be our Tina Fey?

It was inevitable that at least one of this country’s female comedians would attempt a Julia Gillard impersonation sooner or later. Sure, someone from Double Take did it last year, but with Gillard now running the country there’s a gap in the market – an opportunity to fill the shoes of Anthony Ackroyd, whose Kevin... Read More »