Comedy TV

Stand (up) In The Place Where You Live

Earlier this week 10 broadcast a stand up comedy special from Aaron Chen, If It Weren’t Filmed, Nobody Would Believe. It’s ok. One of the best jokes is hidden in the opening title; Chen also undergoes a mystery costume change halfway through that is never (directly) commented on. The show is pretty good, not amazingly... Read More »

The Australian Roast of John Cleese with leastest

The Australian Roast of John Cleese, which aired recently on Seven, had a few decent laughs in it, but, mostly, it was a slapdash... Read More »

Old News is No News

As previously mentioned, currently Australian television is serving up one (1) new Australian comedy series: The Weekly with Charlie Pickering. One show. Across all of Australian television. Real solid foundation we’ve got for a blog there. This perhaps wouldn’t be quite so big a problem if The Weekly was any good at its job. As... Read More »

Where has all the comedy gone? Part 3,671

In not-very-surprising news, a study into first run Australian content on ABC has found a 41% decline over the past... Read More »

Satire? You’ve Got to be Joking

Sometimes when you want to get rid of something, slowly whittling it down to nothing is the way to go. Other times, a big rug pull to get it over and done with works best. And when you’re the ABC looking to trash 50-odd years of satirical content, why not both at once? Let’s not... Read More »

Fresh Blood 2024: A new hope

The ABC’s new comedy talent initiative Fresh Blood has thrown up some shows of variable quality. But in 2024, things are looking... Read More »

Again, The Weekly

The thing with good comedy is, it always has a point of view. One or more human beings found something funny and decided to share it with the rest of us. And when you don’t have that, you have The Weekly. Usually comedy series that lack soul make up for it with money. At one... Read More »

We Applied Rule 3Oh!3

If there’s one big problem with the current wave of dramedies – and there’s dozens of problems, but let’s continue – it’s that they’ve replaced comedy’s jokes and drama’s drama with… nothing. Dramadies are just aimless, drawn out dramas with a mildly amusing premise. They’re half an hour of limp dialogue and static staging that... Read More »

Vale Question Everything 2023

So after a few false starts, Question Everything finally figured out what kind of show it wanted to be. No, not a shit show. In fact, it’s even possible to see why those involved might have thought they were making something decent. They weren’t, of course, but it’s been a long year, we’re getting tired,... Read More »

Vale Australian Epic

Australian Epic assumes you'll find the concept of the series funny. Musical-style songs about events from Australia’s recent past?... Read More »