Comedy songs make us cum

Last night The Chaser went to number one in the charts with their song Coal Makes Me Cum (DJ Scomo Remix).

Comedy songs which cut through are a rarity. It’s been almost four years since Bridie Connell’s Tonightly song Sex Pest won an ARIA, for example. Her Christmas song Literally Everything, also for Tonightly, was pretty great too.

Going back six years, to 2016, there was Tim Minchin’s Come Home (Cardinal Pell), which also went to number one. It neatly captured the rage a lot of people felt about the issue but was also the kind of song you could sing along to. A real, campaigning belter, if you like.

Coal Makes Me Cum is clearly resonating with a lot of people now, but it’s not a great song. There’s something about the fact that it’s a bunch of clips hastily edited together, to make it sound like the Prime Minister is swearing, over a crappy dance music beat, that makes it feel a bit cheap. It feels like the kind of thing 14-year-olds are knocking out on TikTok all day long.

Largely because it is.

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