(Bazura) Project Your Voice

Press release time!



On 29 September 2011, The Bazura Project’s Guide To Sinema, a comedy series devoted to exploring cinematic sins, began its extremely limited run on the ABC. Now, exactly ten years later, the creators are back with their most exciting project yet: a press release. But it’s a press release that’s promoting their next thing, The Bazura Project’s Radio Free Cinema.

As many will doubtless recall, The Bazura Project’s Radio Free Cinema was a huge hit, broadcast on an unspecified radio station an indeterminate number of years ago. Now, the recordings that everyone had believed (and hoped) were lost forever have been uncovered, digitised, cleaned up, edited for slander, and are now ready to be released on a podcast platform where they can be heard again… for the first time.

Over six thrilling and definitely factual instalments, The Bazura Project’s Radio Free Cinema will explore every possible aspect of the film world, including:

*interviews with the film industry’s best and brightest, including: Aussie soap star-turned-Hollywood headliner, Amelia Bell-Jarman; the Oscar-winning producer of some of cinema’s least challenging mid-brow works, Catarina Rice; achingly-dull minimalist Hungarian film composer Máté Lantos; and studio janitor from Hollywood’s golden age, Jerry Schutz 

*exclusive first-listen trailers for the most exciting new high-concept thrillers, low-concept romantic comedies, poorly-conceived fantasy adventures, crowd-placating dramas, and overstimulating kids’ films

*original songs from your favourite soundtracks and never-before-heard music from your least-favourite unreleased movies

*dispatches from all around the world, including: an exclusive Sundance Film Festival premiere after-party; the world’s greatest voice coaching academy on an island in the Baltic Sea; and a glamorous and exceedingly-morbid awards ceremony in the heart of Alaska

plus much, much more

“It was always our plan to air six poorly-rated episodes on the endlessly-rebranded ABC2, disappear into obscurity for a decade, and then return with a six-episode podcast that wouldn’t make us any money,” says co-creator and co-presenter Lee Zachariah.

“The presently-oversaturated market of podcasts presented us with the perfect opportunity to release our own,” says co-creator and co-presenter Shannon Marinko. “If you manage to find it, and enjoy it, it’s probably someone else’s.”

The show will feature an overstuffed cast that includes Tom Ballard, Rusty Berther, Kristy Best, Robyn Butler, Rhonda Burchmore, Santo Cilauro, Marc Fennell, Tim Ferguson, Abe Forsythe, Bob Franklin, Francis Greenslade, Tosh Greenslade, Roz Hammond, Stephen Hall, Andrew Hansen, Peter Helliar, Tegan Higginbotham, Ming-Zhu Hii, Adam Hills, Claire Hooper, Wayne Hope, Dan Ilic, Laura Hughes, Mark Humphries, Nazeem Hussain, Ed Kavalee, Christopher Kirby, Colin Lane, Tommy Little, Cassandra Magrath, Tony Martin, Shaun Micallef, Rhys Muldoon, Brian Nankervis, Celia Pacquola, Geraldine Quinn, Ben Russell, John Safran, Kat Stewart, Emily Taheny, Chris Taylor, Dave Thornton, Toby Truslove, Michael Veitch, Cal Wilson, and many, many more.

The six-part series begins on October 5 on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Radio Public, or directly via our website: bazuraproject.com/radiofreecinema

The trailer is available to hear now via this link.

We’ve been trying to remember if any other Australian television comedy shows have directly turned into podcasts, and we’ve been unable to think of any – ground-breaking work here, Bazura. Also this sounds pretty funny and that all-star line up is definitely impressive, so consider us sold!

So long as we don’t have to actually pay money for it, which currently seems to be the case.

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