Tag: Please Like Me

For the fourth series, will you Please Like Me?

Please Like Me is back! And here we are again, having to review a series that almost no one in this country watches and that’s only on our screens once more thanks to American money. Not that this stops Fairfax’s finest saying this kind of thing about it… Perhaps there is indeed a limit to... Read More »

The Future is Uncertain But the End is Always Near

Press release time! Spring brings a great lineup of comedy, entertainment and true life stories to the ABC Wednesday, August 31, 2016 — Viewers are set for a treat with the following great new shows on the ABC. Silvia’s Italian Table premieres on Thursday 6 October at 8:00pm (8×30’) Silvia’s Italian Table is a unique... Read More »

Does An Australian Show Require Australian Viewers?

Press release time! Filming starts on series 4 of Please Like Me Thursday, July 7, 2016 — ABC is pleased to announce that production is underway in Melbourne on series four of the critically-acclaimed comedy/drama Please Like Me, with six new episodes. Creator, writer and star of the show, Josh Thomas, will once again be... Read More »

Katering for the Masses

The Katering Show was the comedy phenomenon of 2015, the YouTube series sending up cooking shows that quickly went viral all around the world. Now the series has been bought by the ABC, and is back with eight new episodes, released on iView... Read More »

Australian Tumbleweed Awards 2015 – The Results

Ever get the feeling you’re running in place? That was Australian television comedy in 2015. Not just in the usual “the only way forward is to bring back Fast Forward” sense either, even though once again hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent in the firm belief that the only comedy “mainstream Australia” will embrace... Read More »

Vale Please Like Me series 3

So, everyone’s fave mumblecore relationship drama has finally come to an end and… wait, what? They’re still trying to sell Please Like Me as a comedy? Oh, fuck off. The problem with throwing your hands up and admitting defeat with Please Like Me – and by that we mean writing a review that says “hey... Read More »

Seriously, can you Please Like Me?

Welcome to a post in which we do two things we know you love: Quote extensively from a news story and get all annoyed about it. Slag off Josh Thomas. From TV Tonight… ABC’s mixed messages on Please Like Me ABC has bumped Please Like Me to a later timeslot after just one episode of... Read More »

Please Like (looking at) Me.

For a show that’s just jam-packed with bubbly hipster fun like wandering through mazes, or running down a well-manicured suburban street with a stolen trolley, or cracking jokes in cool inner-city eateries, or putting a chicken on your head, the one word that comes to mind when thinking about Josh Thomas’ sitcom Please Like Me... Read More »

Australian Media Eager to Please

Back when the ABC was running promos for Please Like Me and The Ex-PM pretty much back-to-back, we noticed something a little unusual: while the commercials for Micallef’s show focused on people actually saying and doing funny things, the Please Like Me spot only showed one thing, over and over – people laughing. Maybe we’re... Read More »

Writing Wrongs

A little under a year ago we flipped our lids when the Australian Writer’s Guild awards – known as the AWGIES – gave Wednesday Night Fever their “Comedy – Sketch or Light Entertainment” prize. Our readers were quick to inform us that while this was obviously a result no-one could be happy with, it wasn’t... Read More »