Online Comedy

Cooking Up A Storm

The Katering Show seems to have hit the mark for a number of reasons – it’s got a good script, high production values and spot-on performances – and because it’s about a topic that lots of people are familiar with: cooking... Read More »

Rebel Sports

When we heard (thanks sdf) that Rebel Wilson was on an American scriptwriting podcast talking about Australia’s dreaded “Tall Poppy Syndrome”, well… you knew we couldn’t stay away. The good stuff in Scriptnotes episode 182; The One with Dan Savage and Rebel Wilson starts around the 39 and a half minute mark, and when you... Read More »

Short and to the Point

It’s a bit of a backhanded comment to say the less we see of Ryan Shelton the funnier he is, but let’s be honest: the highpoint of his solo work to date has been the short segments he did on Rove Live. Ok, that’s mainly because that’s pretty much been all of his solo work... Read More »

Rejected but not neglected

A web series that was rejected by both the ABC’s Fresh Blood and SBS’s Comedy Runway, but did obtain money from a state funding body, is either going to be really good or really bad. We Are Darren and Riley is... Read More »

Mockumentary time…excellent?

From Endemol, the makers of Big Brother, and Checkpoint Media, the makers of Fancy Boy (which was part of Fresh Blood), comes the webseries Dayne’s World, a documentary about South Africa-Australian stand-up Dayne... Read More »

The Fresh Blood Sausage Factory – Part 3

Here we go again, for one last time… As a commenter on one of our previous blogs about Fresh Blood summed it up, it’s been “a mixed bag”, but there is some hope for the future of Australia comedy. And we stress the word “some” because given the quantity of known or semi-known comedy personnel... Read More »

Executive decision

The 25 June episode of The PodRoast started with an interview with The Roast’s Executive Producer Charles Firth, in which he discussed why he left The Chaser, how The Roast came about, and what his comedy ambitions... Read More »

The Fresh Blood Sausage Factory – part 2

After all the comments this blog got asking where our review of Fresh Blood was, we assumed we'd be so overwhelmed with feedback after the part 1 that this blog would crash. Um,... Read More »

The Fresh Blood Sausage Factory – part 1

Fresh Blood is finally here. You remember Fresh Blood… ABC TV and Screen Australia will commission 25 projects for Fresh Blood, an initiative to find the next generation of comedy performers and producers. The successful 25 projects each receive a budget of $10,000 to produce three, 2-5 minute short form comedy sketches to premiere on... Read More »

Dribs & Drabs

* Have You Been Paying Attention? is coming back after Easter as an hour-long late-night show: CHANNEL 10 has shifted Have You Been Paying Attention? from its prime Sunday evening timeslot. Ten says the comedy panel show hasn’t been axed. Instead it is set to be relaunched in an expanded one-hour version after Easter. The... Read More »