This Is Planet A

Press release time!

Presenter, prankster and positive planet-promoter, Craig Reucassel returns to Tuesday nights on ABC to once again inspire our thinking and challenge our behaviour, in the must-watch series Fight for Planet A: Our Climate Challenge.

[guess social distancing is over – coming soon, Craig Reucassel: Superspreader]

Premiering Tuesday 11th August at 8.30pm, over three episodes, Craig takes on a climate challenge to reduce our carbon emissions and understand where our energy comes from, how transport and travel emissions affect our health and just what is the carbon footprint of the things we eat?

Craig says: “I can’t wait to share this series with everyone. The bushfires and COVID-19 pandemic have seen a depressing start to 2020. While the effects of climate change remain one of our planet’s biggest issues, it’s an area where we can hopefully find some more optimism. There are so many things we can do right now to reduce our individual and communities carbon emissions – we just need to make a start. I hope all Australians will join me in the Fight for Planet A.”

Fight for Planet A will entertain, inform and challenge our thoughts on climate change. Craig will showcase how individuals, families, schools and businesses can help reduce our carbon footprint by making practical day-to-day changes, especially in our homes. We’ll meet five very different Aussie households, who will take on Craig’s “climate challenge” to reduce their energy, transport and food carbon emissions.

Far from taking the pressure off businesses, Craig will check in to see if they are doing all they can to make the changes we need and challenge them to do better.  He’ll question our politicians and meet some inspiring Australians who are working toward solutions for the future of our planet.

Small actions can lead to big changes and we can all play a part, so it’s time for Australians to collectively change the way we think about climate change and join the Fight for Planet A.

Prankster? Still? Guess Reucassel did do a short skit on At Home Alone Together.

On the other, more realistic hand, we really shouldn’t be surprised that the ABC’s grim determination to make worthy educational television seem entertaining by putting a comedy face out front continues apace. First Shaun Micallef, now this; if Chris Lilley hadn’t been cancelled Ja’mie definitely would be presenting a “confronting” look at Australia’s troubled teens.

Oh yeah, there’s a clip:

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