Clash of the Titans

It’s been a very long time since there was enough Australian comedy on our screens for anything to clash scheduling-wise, but here we are:

Now sure, Talkin’ ’bout Your Generation might very well be on at 7.30 (we’ve only had the day confirmed as yet), and Masterchef always runs long so Have You Been Paying Attention might not start until well past 8.30, clash averted, we all win. But it seems reasonable to guess that if you’re going to put your Australian panel comedy show on the same night as another Australian comedy panel show, you’re probably going to put them on head-to-head.

So what to do? Repeats and online catch-up services mean the idea of having to watch a show as it airs is a thing of the past, but let’s be realistic: free-to-air ratings still count. If they’re on head-to-head, whichever one you watch “live” is going to be the show you’re showing your support for. Which is a problem, as they’re both great shows and we want both to do well because there’s literally nothing else we’re going to be watching on commercial television that week. What to do?

HYBPA? is the show most likely to survive – it’s been going for ages, it’s a ratings juggernaut, it’s a local success at a time when Ten doesn’t have a lot of them. TAYG is the newcomer, the show with something to prove, the breath of fresh air up against a show that’s been around for a while – but the whole series was filmed last year so if it tanks in the ratings now it’s not really going to matter. They both deserve our support. What to do?

To be honest, we’re stumped. Dig out the VCR from the shed and tape them both?

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  • George Brown says:

    You’re right, this is tough. I am a big Shaun Micallef fan but I’m not familiar with Robyn Butler. I’ve heard she is hilarious. Andy is ok in my opinion. Don’t know much about Generation Z guy. I’m going to watch TAYG (if both shows are on the same time) because I am curious on how it will pan out. With HYBPA, I kind of know what to expect.

  • George Brown says:

    Oh, I guess this topic is pointless now as TAYG is airing at 7:30. Hoorah!

  • 13 schoolyards says:

    We just have to keep our fingers crossed that it starts on time and doesn’t run for 90 minutes.