Tag: Wil Anderson

Stan in the Place Where You Live

Press release time! MEDIA RELEASE – 21 NOVEMBER 2016 AUSTRALIA’S BIGGEST COMEDIANS TO FEATURE IN A SERIES OF STAN ORIGINAL COMEDY SPECIALS ‘ONE NIGHT STAN’. Australia’s highest profile comedians will each star in their own groundbreaking feature-length comedy special, filmed live this summer at the Melbourne Comedy Theatre and premiering on Stan in 2017. ONE... Read More »

The Gruen Identity

What kind of mangled, dead-inside, meths-drinking husk would you have to be to watch Gruen week after week? What possible joy could you have left in your life that watching an endless hategasm pumping black spooge over the very idea of “community” in the name of making a quick buck was worth your while? “How... Read More »

Wil Anderson: Legacy Hire

The latest series of Gruen wrapped up last week after yet another ratings triumph: Gruen has ended a stellar run on ABC winning its timeslot again with 948,000 viewers. The show has never dipped below 900,000 all season (last week’s 897,000 was eventually adjusted to 900,000). Host Wil Anderson gave no indication if the show would return... Read More »

Gruen Gruen Gruen Gruen. Gruen?

“Lauren, isn’t that stretching credibility?” That was the moment we gave up on Gruen for 2015 (we made it a whole ten minutes in – gold star for us). Wil Anderson and the panel were talking about a pet food commercial involving warring street gangs that joined forces to save a dog, this issue of... Read More »

Instant gratification

Having recently checked out Ryan Shelton's work on Instagram we started to wonder what other Aussie-made comedy was available on the popular image-sharing platform. The answer? Not a whole... Read More »

Gonna Make Ya Sweat ‘Till Ya Bleed

What’s that you say? The Olympics is nothing but a massive marketing exercise thinly disguised as a sporting event? SAY WHAAAAAAAAAAAohfuckoff. Yes, once again the smug arseholes behind and in front of the camera at the Gruen sweatshop are back to tell us the fucking obvious – and just to warn you up front, this... Read More »

Australian Tumbleweed Awards 2011 – Worst Comedy Personality or Performer

Some comedians you'll watch in anything, whether they're presenting a 300-part documentary on invertebrates or appearing in a panel show about actuarial... Read More »

Not Gruen out

The purpose of comedy, it is often said, is to speak truth to power. But comedy's fatal flaw is that it needs to speak truths whilst also being funny, and once people are laughing they're probably less inclined to overthrow the powerful. Those who argue that comedy is a conservative artform have a point - comedy may point out some truths about the powerful, but it also makes you feel a lot better about them existing (if only for a few... Read More »

Defending Deveny

“Catherine Deveny’s column will no longer appear in The Age.” Ahh, does it come any sweeter than... Read More »

Movin’ On Up

It’s Melbourne International Comedy Festival time again, and that means the streets of Melbourne are filled with…... Read More »