What Fresh Hell Is This?

Press release time!

Tom Gleeson presents Hard Quiz

Monday, August 1, 2016 — ABC TV is pleased to announce auditions are underway for Tom Gleeson’s new show, Hard Quiz.

Host Tom Gleeson says “With the audition process, it’s been impressive watching people demonstrating a deep knowledge without resorting to Google. Actually, it’s been impressive just watching adults spending half an hour not glued to their phones.”

With Gleeson at the helm it will obviously be funny, but Tom is a smart guy and has a genuine love of knowledge and information, so contestants will be really tested.  The format is Darwinian and highly competitive.

Filming commences later this month in Melbourne and will air on ABC TV later in the year.

G’wan, guess which line made us laugh out loud. Here’s a clue: it wasn’t a happy laugh. Oh no. No, it was more a bitter, caustic choking sound – the kind of sound you’d make upon realising that yes, this is exactly where we are with Australian comedy today and there’s very little chance of things getting better in the short- to medium-term future. Because the only network commissioning new Australian comedy actually believes this shit.

Put another way, we sure weren’t laughing at the “joke” made by host Tom Gleeson.

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1 Comment

  • EvilCommieDictator says:

    So it’s The Einstein Factor mixed with whatever that “hard” afternoon commercial TV quiz show is/was?
    And it doesn’t have Parko as the host, the only one who should be doing such a thing?