The Final Kountdown

Wow, good thing we didn’t bother reviewing The Kath & Kim Kountdown:

 Clip special  The Kath and Kim Kountdown has been dumped from Seven’s Sunday night line-up after just one outing.

Could Australia’s legendary goodwill towards the foxy morons finally have run out? Or perhaps someone should have told the programming team at Seven that Kath & Kimderella was, er, not that great and there hasn’t even been a new episode of the TV series in over five years.

Much as we enjoyed the first series, that was a decade ago and they’ve been treading water since then: stick a fork in them, they’re done.


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1 Comment

  • BIlly C says:

    I saw about twenty seconds. It was the most pointless exercise since the Spearman Experiment. They would have rated higher just playing the episodes.