Confirmation of a Well Established Trend

In “not exactly shock news” news:

Season Four of Rosehaven begins filming in Tasmania today.

It’s not even new news, as the TV Tonight post went up yesterday. Then again, considering we’ve been banging on for months about how the ABC these days doesn’t seem to axe anything before they get at least four seasons out of it… like we said, this isn’t exactly shock news.

Still, this is the good bit:

Celia Pacquola and Luke McGregor said: “We’re ridiculously happy to be back for a fourth time – so we can say ‘HA!’ to all the people that said we’d never get four seasons. Unfortunately, no one said that, everyone’s been really supportive. If anyone did say that, they haven’t said it to our faces – so we have no way of knowing who to say ‘HA!’ to – but if you’re reading this… ‘HA!’. Thank you to everyone who helped us get here. You know who you are – and we’re not just saying that because we’re too lazy to list all of you”.

ABC Head of Comedy Rick Kalowski said: “Rosehaven is a comic gift that keeps giving, as popular as it was on debut, and even more loved now as a national institution. ABC couldn’t be prouder of this hilarious, beautiful show.”

“As popular as it was on debut” probably is actual praise in today’s television market. We wouldn’t quite call it a “national institution”, mind you. It’s not exactly a show that people bring up in conversation or anything. Brilliant investment by Screen Tasmania though.

It’s mildly interesting that in the past this kind of cosy country content would have been filed under drama rather than comedy – if it had been built around solving murders rather than real estate there’s no doubt this would be a much bigger hit – but like literally everything about Rosehaven that isn’t Anthony Morgan, “mildly interesting” is as far as it goes.

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