Where’s Briggs: A Mystery Solved

Remember when The Weekly constantly promoted Briggs as a core cast member but hardly ever put him to air? Remember how boring it was when we’d ask week after week “where’s Briggs?”? Mystery solved:

Which, we’d all have to agree, is something of a step up from appearing for fifteen seconds in the middle of some endless Charlie Pickering rant.

(not pictured in the “NBA of comedy”: anyone else from The Weekly)

While this is clearly awesome news for Briggs, as far as our favourite punching bag The Weekly goes… not so much. After all, they clearly had a world-class comedy writer there and couldn’t be bothered putting him to air for weeks at a time because Tom Gleeson needed that time for Hard Chat. Nobody else there is heading overseas to work with the creator of The Simpsons; the cast member they valued the least is the one the creator of the most influential comedy series in the world wants to work with.

So congratulations Briggs! Just another example of local talent needing to head overseas to get the opportunities that just aren’t available here. Like the opportunity to be funny.

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