Great Australian Comedy Mysteries of the 21st Century #1: I Love You Too

As recently as this week, MMM in Melbourne were (and for all we know, could still be) running promos for the Pete & Myf breakfast show that proudly announced it to be the show “Melbourne wakes up to”.  As the show was recently dumped after well over a year of falling ratings, we’d like to suggest that Melbourne woke up to Pete and Myf a long, long time ago.

But there’s a reason for this snark beyond the usual reminders that Pete & Myf’s arrival was one of the many reasons given for the axing of Tony Martin’s unimaginably superior Get This show, or that Pete & Myf was the last show that Get This‘ producer Richard Marsland worked on before he killed himself.  No, a friend of a friend’s friend’s friend (how’s that for track-covering) recently let us know that sneaky test screenings of the Peter Hellier-scripted and starring romantic comedy (with a midget!) I Love You Too are currently taking place in Melbourne.  As it’s pretty much the first big-name comedy film made in Australia since 2006’s Boytown, we’re really, really interested in finding out if it’s any good.  So if you’ve seen it, please: get in touch.  Helliar and the short guy from The Station Agent: how bad can it be?

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